Brownfield Development Authority
Established by Mackinac County on April 11, 2013 in accordance with the provisions of the Brownfield Redevelopment Financing Act, being Act 381 of the Public Acts of the State of Michigan of 1996. Appointed members of the authority will review a proposed site/project that is contaminated, blighted, functionally obsolete or a historic property. New owners of these properties are able to recover environmental costs through tax increment financing (TIF) on only the increase in property taxes due to the redevelopment and improvements on the property, if approved by the authority. The benefits are that blighted and or contaminated sites in communities get cleaned up.
Brownfield Redevelopment Officers
- Elizabeth Suggitt, Chairperson
- Dean Reid, vice-Chairperson
- Judy St. Louis-Scott, secretary
- Jim North, Treasurer
- Bob Brotherton, Member
- Al Garavaglia, Member
- Jodi Kaiser, Member
- Darcy Long
Meeting Agendas
- Brownfield Agenda 2-7-2025
- Brownfield Agenda 12-20-24
- Brownfield Agenda 11-8-24
- Brownfield Agenda 8-23-2024
- Brownfield Minutes 8-23-24
- Brownfield Agenda 7-30-24
- Brownfield Agenda 2-15-24
- Brownfield Agenda 1-26-24 *CANCELED*