Townships in Mackinac County

Please note that the listed websites are external to Mackinac County Government and are not maintained by the Mackinac County Government.

Bois Blanc Township

PO Box 898, Pointe Aux Pins, MI 49775
Phone: (231) 634-7275 | Fax: (231) 634-7021

Board Meetings: Second Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Dec-Feb at 5:00 pm

Polling Place: Township Hall-431 Sioux Ave.

Position Name Telephone
Supervisor Brent P. Sharpe (231) 634-7275
Clerk Diane Akright (231) 634-7275
Treasurer Anne Kennedy (231) 634-7275
Trustee Keri Viers (231) 634-7275
Trustee Tom Wybranowski (231) 634-7074
Assessor Elizabeth Zabik (231) 290-0369
Deputy Sheriff

Brevort Township

4020 N Church St., Moran, MI 497860
Phone: (906) 643-8098

Board Meetings: Second Monday of each month 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center

Polling Place: Community Center-1941 W Church St.

Position Name Telephone
Supervisor Edward Serwach (906) 643-9594
Clerk Kaye Matelski (906) 298-1941
Treasurer Brian Olsen (989) 464-1571
Trustee Bill Orr (906) 643-0928
Trustee Tabitha Orr (906) 643-0928
Assessor Nick Couture (231)-420-3644
Building Inspector State of MI-Daniel Grochowski (231) 235-2592
Fire Chief Mark Peterson (906) 643-9747
Electrical Inspector Ben Bourque (906) 241-3424

Clark Township

207 N Blindline Rd.
PO Box 367, Cedarville, MI 49719
Phone: (906) 484-2672 | Fax: (906) 484-3199

Board Meetings:
Third Wednesday of each month – Township Hall. 8:00 a.m.
Polling Place: Community Center-133 E. M-134

Position Name Telephone
Supervisor Mark Clymer (906) 484-2672
Clerk Susie Rutledge (906) 484-2672
Treasurer Lisa Fitzgerald (906) 484-2672
Trustee Patrick Schuster (906) 484-2672
Trustee Steve Kozma (906) 298-1580
Assessor Jessica Mowery (906) 484-2672
Building Inspector Ken Waybrant (906) 484-2672
Electrical Inspector Steve Harrison (906) 322-2228
Ambulance Captain Keith McGowan (906) 203-4424
Fire Chief Steve Honnila (906) 484-2188

Garfield Township

N6760 M-117
PO BOX 148, Engadine, MI 49827
Office Hours: 10:00 am – 3:00 pm, Monday – Thursday
Phone: (906) 477-6481 Fax: (906) 477-1099
[email protected]

Board Meetings: Third Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. – Township Hall
Polling Place: Precinct 1 – Township Hall/N6760 M-117 Engadine
Precinct 2 – Naubinway Pavilion W11609 Main St. Naubinway

Position Name Telephone
Supervisor Donald Butkovich
[email protected]
(906) 287-0458
Clerk Paula Fillman
[email protected]
(906) 477-6481 ext 1
Treasurer Sue Butkovich
[email protected]
(906) 477-6481 ext 2
Trustee Duncan MacArthur (906) 287-1809
Trustee John Ketcher (906) 430-3100
Assessor Janet Maki
[email protected]
(906) 291-1337
Building Inspector Dennis Alberts (906) 286-9088
Fire Chief Chris Wendt (906) 450-1281
Electrical Inspector Daniel Dismuke (906) 654-3377
Zoning Administrator David Kovar (906) 420-2848

Hendricks Township

N5115 Hiawatha Trail, Naubinway, MI 49762
Office Hours: Monday 9:00 am – 12:00 pm (except holidays)
Telephone: (firehall) (906) 292-5545

Board Meetings: First Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m.,
Polling Place: Township Firehall – N5115 Hiawatha Trail


Position Name Telephone
Supervisor Howard Hood (906) 450-5312
Clerk Laurie Collier (517) 581-0456
Treasurer Cheryl Hood (906) 430-3210
Trustee Glenda Derusha (906) 440-5470
Trustee Jeff Dishaw (517) 440-5758
Constable Carmen Schultz (906) 292-5496
Building Inspector Chris Grover (906) 286-2090
Fire Chief William Cheesman (906) 291-0045
Assessor Elizabeth Zabik (231) 290-0369

Hudson Township

N7961 Church Street, Rexton, MI 49762
Phone & Fax: (906) 595-7315

Board Meetings: First Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. – Township Hall

Polling Place: Township Hall-N7961 Church St., Rexton

Hudson Township 2017-2021 Recreation Plan

Position Name Telephone
Clerk Barbara Kerridge (906) 595-7276
Treasurer Jacquie Prout (906) 595-7322
Trustee Gary Derusha (906) 595-7245
Trustee Karen Kerridge (906) 595-7305
Assessor Pamela Chipman (906) 440-2799
Fire Chief Lance Kerridge (906) 450-5306
Building Inspector Kris Grover (906) 286-2090
Electrical Inspector Dan Dismuke (906) 654-3377

Marquette Township

7177 E. James St., Pickford, MI 49774

Board Meetings: First Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. – Township Hall

Polling Place: Township Hall-7177 E. James St. Pickford

Position Name Telephone
Supervisor Julia Kronemeyer (906) 647-7638
Clerk Renae Leese (906) 647-5220
Treasurer Jodi Soeltner (906) 440-6577
Trustee William Beacom (906) 647-3831
Trustee Brody Waybrant (906) 647-8756
Building Inspector Ken Waybrant (906) 440-9598
Assessor Katie VanEenemaan-Carpenter
[email protected]
(906) 484-2833

Moran Township

W1362 West US-2, PO BOX 364, St. Ignace, MI 49781
Phone: (906) 643-8027 | Fax: (906) 643-7208

Board Meeting: First Wednesday of each month, 6:00 p.m. – Moran Township Hall 1362 West US 2, St. Ignace

Polling Place: Precinct 1 – Township Hall

Position Name Telephone
Supervisor Susan Dionne
[email protected]
(906) 643-8027
Clerk Kris Vallier
[email protected]
(906) 643-8027
Treasurer Eileen Sovey
[email protected]
(906) 643-6688
Zoning Admin Fred Strich
[email protected]
(906) 643-8027
Trustee Mark Spencer
[email protected]
(906) 292-4779
Trustee Austin Kimberling
[email protected]
(906) 430-4930
Assessor Ed VanderVriess
[email protected]
(269) 720-1928
Building Inspector Brian Olsen
[email protected]
(989) 464-1571

Newton Township

N6164 South Gould City Rd., Gould City, MI 49838
Phone: (906) 477-6185 | Fax: (906) 477-6185

Board Meeting: Second Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. – Township Hall, N6164 S Gould City Rd

Polling Place: Township Hall

Position Name Telephone
Supervisor Fred Burton (906) 630-6859
Clerk Nikki Tremblay (906) 477-6185
Treasurer Marilyn Strickland (906) 477-6113
Trustee Ron O’Neil (906) 430-8654
Trustee Keith Keller (734) 478-8292
Assessor Dylan Jurasin 906-361-6787
[email protected]
Building Inspector Dennis Alberts (906) 286-9088
Electrical Inspector Dan Dismuke (906) 654-3377
Fire Chief Jason Koerner (906) 450-7074
Asst. Fire Chief George Tremblay (906) 477-9915

Portage Township

W17361 Davis St.
PO BOX 70, Curtis, MI 49820
Phone: (906) 586-9522 | Fax: (906) 586-3360

Board Meeting: Second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. – Curtis Community Building

Polling Place: Curtis Community Building-W17353 Davis St. Curtis

Zoning Ordinance & Map

Zoning-Building Permit Form

Recreation Plan 2024-2028

Position Name Telephone
Supervisor Donald Reed
[email protected]
(906) 586-9522 ext 3
Clerk Pat MacLachlan
[email protected]
(906) 586-9522 ext 2
Treasurer Andrea McKeage
[email protected]
(906) 586-9522 ext 4
Trustee Patrick Abram (906) 643-6751
Trustee Edgar Holbrook (906) 586-6440
Assessor Natasha Rosebush
[email protected]
(906) 586-9522 ext 5
Building Inspector Dennis Alberts (906) 568-9522 ext 6
Fire Chief Jeff Burton (906) 235-8046

St. Ignace Township

Board Meetings: 2nd Wednesday of each month at 6:30 pm – Township Hall, N4298 Gorman Rd, St. Ignace, MI 49781
Phone: (906) 430-7476

Polling Place: Precinct 1 – Township Hall-N4298 Gorman Rd

Position Name Telephone
Supervisor Eric Danielson (906) 984-2132
Clerk Sheri Oja (906) 430-7476
[email protected]
Treasurer Tina J. Massey (906) 984-2013
Trustee Allen Mitchell (906) 440-1126
Trustee Glen McKenzie (906) 430-8847
Assessor Katie Vaneenenaam-Carpenter (906) 484-2833
Building Inspector State of MI-Daniel Grochowski (906) 235-2592
Zoning Admin Chet Garen (906) 430-1098