Mackinac County Jail
The Mackinac County Jail was built in 1972 replacing the facility that was located in the basement of the County Court House. The jail has a rated capacity of 28 inmates.
The Mackinac County Jail is certified by the Michigan Department of Corrections meeting the standards for local jails and lockups and in 2009 was the first jail in the country to be Accredited by the American Correctional Association to the Core Jail Standards for jails.
On-Site Visitation Rules
- Visitors must not have been in the Mackinac County Jail in the previous six months or owe the jail for past housing expenses.
- Visitors shall not be under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol.
- Visitors are subject to a criminal warrants check and search.
- Visits must be kept quiet, no foul language or disruptive behavior.
- Children under 18 must be accompanied by their parent or guardian.
- No food or drink is allowed.
- We reserve the right to deny any visitor or end any visit early.
Inmate Phone Services
On-Site Visitation: ***No charge to use the video visitation kiosk in the lobby.***
Visitation is conducted through the HomeWAV Video Visitation platform. | 844-394-6639
All visitors are required to create an account on the HomeWAV website. Persons under the age of 18 years must be accompanied by an adult with a valid HomeWAV account.
The visitor and inmate must login under their individual credentials. No sharing visits by visitors or inmates.
On-site visits (via HomeWAV) are available during the following times:
Sunday: 7a.m.-11p.m.
Monday: 7a.m.-11p.m.
Tuesday: 7a.m.-11p.m.
Wednesday: 7a.m.-11p.m.
Thursday: 7a.m.-11p.m.
Friday: 7a.m.-11p.m.
Saturday: 7a.m.-11p.m.
Remote Video Visitation is available:
By using the Mackinac County Jail video visitation equipment, you are subject to recording and monitoring.
All visitors must dress appropriately, suggested attire should be appropriate to wear around small children.
No recording devices, cell phones or cameras are allowed in the visitation area of the jail. Please leave these items in your vehicle.
No flashing or obscene behavior will be tolerated. Any visitor found to be in the violation will be blocked from all future visits.
Inmate’s Use of Telephones:
Inmates now utilize HomeWAV Voice through the video visitation systems to place regular phone calls. The phones are available in their housing areas daily from 7 11P.M. HomeWAV Voice cannot call pagers, internet phones, etc. Money can be added to the inmate’s phone account through utilizing the “Deposit Funds NOW!” button at the top of the HomeWAV webpage or by coming on-site and using the HomeWAV kiosk in the lobby.
Sheriff and Jail Staff can only deliver verifiable emergency telephone messages. Jail Supervisor will verify thru Hospital, Coroner, and Funeral Home etc…
Bail Bonds Account Set-up:
Creating an account with HomeWAV is a convenient way for inmates to reach your business.
All Bail Bond Companies can click the following link: for information on how to register for a HomeWAV account.
HomeWAV Mobile App Free Download:
Apple/iPhone App Download: Android App Download:
Items for Inmates
- Money for commissary, work release, tether, housing/medical expenses or bond, may be mailed directly to the jail.
- Allowable inmate items are required to be sent to the jail directly from an outside vendor, e.g., Amazon, Walmart, Publisher, etc. No items will be accepted from a personal address.
- Accepted items include the following:
- White underwear, socks, T-shirts, bras (no underwire)
- Books, board games, magazines, and newspapers
- Items received but not approved will be placed in the inmate’s property.
All other items may be purchased from the inmate commissary.
- Funds may be deposited in the inmate commissary via USPS, in-person or Jail ATM
Mackinac County Jail reserves the right to inspect and refuse any items that may be deemed contraband, damaged, tampered or for other reasons.
Payments for Booking Fees may be made through GovPay
Payments for Jail Housing may be made through GovPay
Payments for Tether Fees may be made through GovPay
Cash Bond payment through GovPay
Community Service Program
Mackinac County Jail has an active community service program that provides needed services to assist in shoveling walks, lawn mowing lawns for the elderly or handicapped and various parks and recreation projects. These programs not only assist the community but allow inmates to learn valuable skills that can be used when they are released from jail.
House Arrest/Tether
Mackinac County Jail has a program for tether, house arrest and GPS tether. This program works in cooperation with the courts.
VINE — Victim Information & Notification Everyday
Victims of crimes may check with VINE for information on an offender’s release date either by toll free phone number or via the web.
Toll Free 1-800-770-7657 Then click on the map of Michigan and type in the name of the offender.
Career Opportunities
Edward M. Wilk, Sheriff
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Jail Study Committee Reports – Mackinac County Jail Committee
Jail Committee Full Report