Land Division Information

Mackinac County administers Land divisions for the following townships: Garfield, Hendricks, Marquette, Newton, Portage and St. Ignace. The fee for each proposed division is $100.00

Each Township/City has a Land Division Ordinance. Contact Mackinac County Equalization for copy of appropriate ordinance.  For general information on the land division act please see link below.

Land Division Act Basics for Landowners

Bois Blanc Township, Brevort Township, Clark Township, Hudson Township, Moran Township, City of Mackinac Island and City of St. Ignace are all administered locally.

For Hendricks, please use the following application.

All other units please use the following.
Brevort Land Division Application
Garfield Land Division Application
Marquette Land Division Application
Newton Township Land Division Application
St Ignace Twp Land Division Application 
Portage Land Division Application